A holiday full of love, chocolates, and teddy bears can seem daunting when you have just entered a new relationship. When gauging how you want the 14th to go, it’s important to contemplate how you want to approach it.
The Expectations: Now is your chance if you haven’t discussed what you want to do. Are you the type for a quick homemade dinner or weekend getaway? As always, communication is key.
Gifts: Since you might not know what they like, think of simple, thoughtful gifts. Classic flowers, candy, and even a homemade card are worth much more than nothing initially.
Simple Celebration: While it’s the obvious choice for a Valentine's plan, dinner is usually the easiest. Whether you do homemade pasta or find a pre-fixed menu at the local dinner spot, it’s good to have the plan down to offload extra stress.
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself: It’s not the end of the world if you don’t give your partner 200 roses. Ensure you know you care and are excited to spend time with them!